Sanibel Search, Inc.

An Executive Recruiting Firm

Every company and every industry is different, but to survive and succeed they all need good talent. Each search is unique, and is skillfully approached accordingly. Finding good talent is our business, doing so affordably and on schedule is our passion.

Sanibel Search, Inc. is a market focused and driven contingency recruiting firm with a strong national presence. Its founding premise is based on easing the burden of finding top talent in record time.

Our years of experience in the art of recruiting coupled with the latest in technology, allows us to perform where others fail.

Our partnering focus allows us to develop long-standing relationships with our clients. We learn to understand our clients’ corporate culture, needs and position in the marketplace. We build that can be relied upon to get the job done.

Budget constraints are important in any good business, but can often impede growth and the ability to attract good talent. Being within budget is an instrumental part of good management and plays a significant role in corporate success. We understand that and work with our clients to achieve that objective while still being able to attract top talent.